Global Pediatric Education Consortium

Training and Sustaining a Global Pediatric Workforce

Our Vision
To improve the health outcomes of newborns, infants, children, adolescents and young adults worldwide by enhancing the education and training of pediatricians and other physicians caring for children.
Click here for a copy of the GPEC organizational bylaws.

Our Mission

As a non-profit organization, we will make available educational expertise and material resources to the global community, with special attention to less resourced settings, including:

A standard post-graduate pediatric curriculum that harmonizes best practices into a globally relevant, yet locally flexible format;

Quality assessment tools;

Standards and guidelines for post-graduate residency training program accreditation;

Guidelines for developing physician certification programs;

Guidelines for developing continuing professional development programs.

We will work to improve local and national healthcare systems by helping to create a sustainable children’s healthcare environment through the augmentation of a quality local/national pediatric physician workforce; and

We will work collaboratively with other international healthcare-related organizations to further the vision of improving children’s health.

Approved 12 May 2011


In 2008, leaders from the international pediatric education, training, and accreditation community entered into informal discussions about improving children's health care at a global level.  These discussions initially focused on the concept of providing quality assessment tools (ie, examinations) to resource-poor countries as a way to elevate the quality of training.  It quickly became apparent that we needed to refocus the discussions around the entire training system: curricula, evaluation methods, accreditation/certification processes, and continuous professional development.
  Click here to download the initial concept paper.

These initial discussions led us to explore the concept of core standards for training and assessment and some form of accreditation or certification system that individual countries could adopt if they wanted.  There currently exists no single country or organization that can effectively pursue this mission alone.  Thus, we began developing relationships that would foster cohesion across borders focused on the singular goal of improving the quality of health care for children worldwide through the development and promulgation of common standards for pediatric physician training, evaluation, accreditation, and continuous professional development.


In July 2009, at the suggestion of several prominent international pediatric figures, the American Board of Pediatrics Foundation sponsored a meeting of leaders from 16 national and regional education, training, and accreditation organizations; these organizations are responsible for setting the standards for training and accreditation in more than 50 countries.  The goal of the meeting was to engage initial discussions regarding the concept of creating common standards for training and assessment. 


The shared vision that emerged from this meeting was to


"...pursue the concept of creating common standards for training and evaluating pediatricians as one method of promoting improvement in the quality of medical care provided to infants, children, adolescents, and young adults worldwide." 


The group agreed to form the Global Pediatric Education Consortium and to work together to promote this shared vision.  They agreed to engage their individual organizations in embracing this ambitious global initiative.  The American Board of Pediatrics Foundation agreed to provide seed funding for the exploratory phase of the initiative until sustained funding could be achieved.

The Global Pediatric Education Consortium*

-  American Academy of Pediatrics
-  American Board of Pediatrics
-  Arab Board of Health Specializations
-  Brazilian Pediatric Society
-  Chinese Pediatric Society
-  College of Paediatricians (South Africa)
-  College of Physicians and Surgeons of Pakistan
-  Egyptian Pediatric Association
-  European Academy of Paediatrics
-  European Paediatric Association/UNEPSA
-  German Academy of Pediatrics/
German Society of Pediatrics
-  Israeli Medical Association
-  International Pediatric Association
-  Japan Pediatric Society
National Board of Examinations (India)
-  National Neonatology Forum (India)
-  Paediatric Association of Nigeria
-  Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
-  Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (UK)

 *Participating organizations as of September 2011


From 2009 thru 2013, the majority of funding for GPEC was provided by a generous grant from the American Board of Pediatrics Foundation.  The ABP Foundation provided funds for GPEC to meet annually at its Global Pediatric Summit and provided staffing and facilities resources at the headquarters of the American Board of Pediatrics in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Beginning in 2011, a number of delegate organizations began providing annual financial support for GPEC activities as well as continued support for their own representatives to the Board of Delegates.

GPEC is interested in partnering with major donors in order for us to continue moving our Vision and Mission forward.