European Primary Care
The European Confederation of Primary Care Pediatrics (ECPCP) has developed a curriculum based entirely on primary care used in the Global Curriculum. The ECPCP curriculum is available in Spanish and English versions. (download here)
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Brazil Adopts Curriculum: Makes Major Change to Training
After years of working with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education, leaders in Brazil have been successful in convincing the government to extend funding of post-graduate training in pediatrics from 2 to 3 years.
Dr. Dioclécio Campos Júnior, GPEC Delegate, has been working with leaders from the Brazilian Pediatric Society for many years to elevate the status of children and Pediatricians in the nation. In a recent series of meetings held with MoH, MoE, and other national regulatory bodies, Dr. Campos promoted the international standards set forth by GPEC and the Global Pediatric Curriculum in an attempt to improve training for general pediatricians by arguing that it requires higher standards and more than 24 months to train quality pediatricians.
Dr. Eduardo Vaz (President, Brazilian Pediatric Society) said that this change represents, "A great victory; a recognition of the value of the work of pediatricians; and a milestone for the qualification" in general pediatrics. Click here for press release.
Spanish Translation Available
Over forty collaborators worked on translating the Global Curriculum from English to Spanish. Under the guidance of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics (AEP), faculty from all over the country translated the entire Curriculum into Spanish during the past six months. With leadership from Dr. Angel Carrasco Sanz (Secretary General, Spanish Pediatric Association; Spanish delegate to the European Academy of Pediatrics) and by the capable coordination of Drs. Carlos Ochoa Sangrador and Carmen Villaizán Pérez, the translation was completed in early November and is now available to other Spanish-speaking countries with compliments from the AEP. Click here for access to the Spanish Translation.
GPEC congratulates the AEP on this outstanding translation! The first countries to begin using the Spanish translation will be those in the Southern Cone Permanent Forum (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay).
Portuguese Translation Available
The Brazilian Pediatric Society (BPS) undertook the translation of the Global Pediatric Curriculum into Portuguese in order to facilitate its implementation and publication as a text. Dr. Dioclécio Campos Júnior provided all of the translation services for this initiative. Dr. Campos is Professor of Pediatrics Emeritus of the University of Brasília and the GPEC Delegate representing the BPS; he is also working with the BPS to facilitate training for faculty around implementation of the Curriculum throughout the country of Brazil. Congratulations to Dr. Campos and the BPS for this wonderful contribution to the field of Pediatrics. See press release.
South America Adopts Global Curriculum
In addition to Brazil, five of the Southern Cone pediatric societies (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Uruguay, and Paraguay) have joined together to form the Permanent Forum of the Southern Cone Pediatric Societies. These countries have agreed to adopt the Global Curriculum and base training on the Curriculum structure. Working together under the auspices of the Permanent Forum, leaders are currently designing pilot programs for 2014 and implementation planning is underway. With support from the Brazilian Pediatric Society, they are also developing the Southern Cone Textbook of Pediatrics; this text will be based on the Curriculum and translated into Portuguese and Spanish.
Southern Cone Forum Meets in Curitiba, Brazil
Legend: left to right,
Drs. Norma Borgado (Paraguai), Viviana Pavlicich (Paraguai). Juan Max Boettner (Paraguai), Salim Eguiazú (Paraguai), Fernando José de Nóbrega (Brasil), Daniela Manole (Brasil/Editora Manole), Eduardo da Silva Vaz (Brasil), Dioclécio Campos Jr. (Brasil), Margarita Ramonet (Argentina), Gabriel Pelluffo (Uruguai), Adriana Iturralde (Uruguai), Hernan Sepulda (Chile), Francisco Moraga (Chile), Luis Zabatella (Bolívia), Estelas Perales, Angela Gentile (Argentina), Gustavo Cardigni (Argentina)