Global Pediatric Education Consortium

Training and Sustaining a Global Pediatric Workforce

2nd Global Pediatric Summit

Twenty members of the GPEC convened in Falkenstein, Germany on 14-16 May 2010, to continue working on a shared vision of creating standards for training and assessment in general pediatrics.  The GPEC focused mainly on refining the core documents that will comprise a global curriculum:

        1.  Core Syllabus - detailed listing of areas of knowledge
        2.  Core Skills and Competencies - behavioral, attitudinal, and procedural skills

These two documents had been worked on for the past six months by two working groups comprised of members of the GPEC and other leaders in pediatric medicine. 

We will be posting working drafts of the Curriculum as they are released by the GPEC.  Please check back to this website for more details.


Syllabus Working Group 

Arvind Saili (Chair; India)

Harish Amin (Canada)

Nadia Badrawi (Egypt)

Zulfiqar Bhutta (Pakistan)

David Branski (Israel)
Kevin Forsyth (Australia)

Peter Hoyer (Germany)

Akbar Mohammad (Bahrain)

William Ogala (Nigeria)

Alfred Tenore (Italy)

Competency and Skills
Working Group

Harish Amin (Chair; Canada)

Nadia Badrawi (Egypt)

Bipin Batra (India)

Patricia Hamilton (UK)

Haroon Saloojee (S. Africa)

Takao Takahashi (Japan)

James Stockman (US)


GPEC members working on global curriculum at 2nd Global Pediatric Summit
The Global Pediatric Education Consortium
2nd Global Pediatric Summit (Falkenstein, Germany)
Falkenstein Germany

The 2nd Global Pediatric Summit was convened at the Falkenstein Grand Kempenski in the mountains outside of Frankfurt.  The site was chosen due to its central location for meeting participants who were traveling from five continents. 

Meeting Participant Biographies

The following links will provide access to materials and presentations from the meeting in Frankfurt. 

Slide Presentations (Power Point/pdf)
Dr. Hazen P. Ham -
Global Pediatric Initiative

Profs. Arvind Saili and Harish Amin - Developing a Core Curriculum (Draft 1)

Meeting Materials (MS Word/pdf)
Meeting Agenda

Meeting participant biographies

Additional Meeting Material
Global standards
white paper (draft)
Letter of support - International Pediatric Association
The Global Pediatrician (Commentary by Prof. Bob Armstrong)
Role of the American Board of Pediatrics Foundation (
Commentary by Drs. James Stockman and Hazen Ham)