| 5th Global Pediatric Summit
GPEC delegates and guests convened the 5th Global Summit at the headquarters of the American Board of Pediatrics (ABP) in Chapel Hill, North Carolina (USA). The ABP has been the principal funding source of the GPEC since its inception and provides secretarial support from its Foundation activities. A representative from the Latin American Association of Pediatrics, Dr. Oswaldo Revelo Castro, and the Columbian Pediatric Society, Dr. Alfonso Vargas, were present at the Summit as new participants to the initiative. The ABP Chairman of the Board of Directors, Dr. Craig Hillemeier, and the ABP President & CEO, Dr. David Nichols, were also present to participate in the Summit proceedings.
The Board of Delegates celebrated the contributions of the ABP and Dr. James A. Stockman (past-President & CEO) for his vision in bringing together leaders from around the world to consider developing standards for the field of pediatrics.
James A. Stockman III Medical Education Investigator Award
Dr. James A. Stockman III President & CEO American Board of Pediatrics (1992-2012) |
By a unanimous decision of the Board of Delegates, the annual Medical Education Investigator Award was renamed to honor Dr. Stockman for his vision in creating the Global Pediatric Education Consortium (GPEC) and for his contribution to the global pediatric community. As President of the ABP Foundation, Dr. Stockman was responsible for securing the financial and staff support to initiate the original discussions that led to the formation of the Consortium. It was through his desire to see the quality of health care for the world's children improve that inspired him in 2009 to invite leaders from the global pediatric community to begin conversations around the idea of advancing quality standards for training, assessment, certification and recertification.
The GPEC Board of Delegates is very grateful for Dr. Stockman's foresight and generosity in establishing this initiative and wish him the very best in his new ventures!