Global Pediatric Education Consortium

Training and Sustaining a Global Pediatric Workforce

Dear Global Pediatric Education Community and Colleagues:
The first complete working draft of the Global Pediatric Curriculum and Guidelines for Residency Training, Assessment, Certification, and Continuous Professional Development is now available in 4 languages. These documents represent several years of collaborative work amongst the GPEC delegate organizations and curriculum experts from around the world. The development process was based upon consensus of our delegates and the resulting documents represent a best-practices approach to training and assessment from around the world.


We now have access to the Paediatric Primary Care Curriculum, based on the GPEC Curriculum, created by the European Confederation of Primary Care Paediatrics for primary care residency training in Europe.  

Now available in English, Chinese, Portuguese and Spanish!

See below.


Chapter 1 Abilities: Attitudes and Behaviors
Chapter 2 Skills: Basic and Pediatric-Specific
Chapter 3 Patient Care: Knowledge (5mb)
Chapter 4 Standards for Post-graduate Training Programs
Chapter 5 Assessment Strategiies and Methods
Chapter 6 Guidelines for Physician Accreditation
Chapter 7 Guidelines for Continuous Professional Development

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Capítulo 1 Habilidades: Actitudes y comportamiento
Capítulo 2 Habilidades pediátricas básicas y especificas
Capítulo 3 Programa de formación: Conocimiento de atención al paciente (2MB)
Capítulo 4 Recomendaciones para los programas de formación de postrado
Capítulo 5 Métodos y Estrategias de Evaluación
Capítulo 6 Recomendaciones para un programa de Certificación Médica
Capítulo 7 Recomendaciones para un Programa de Desarrollo Profesional Continuo

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Download Complete Curriculum (2.2MB) - This is the published version from the Brazilian Pediatric Society (recommended)

Capítulo 1 Habilidades: atitudes e comportamentos
Capítulo 2 Habilidades pediátricas: básicas e específicas
Capítulo 3 Cuidados pediátricos ao paciente: conhecimento
Capítulo 4 Padrões para treinamento pós-graduado em pediatria
Capítulo 5 Métodos e estratégias de avaliação
Capítulo 6 Normas para a certificação médica
Capítulo 7 Normas para o programa de Desenvolvimento Profissional Contínuo

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Primary Care Paediatrics (Europe)

European Confederation of Primary Care Paediatrics (ECPCP)

The European Confederation of Primary Care Paediatrics has adopted the GPEC Global Pediatric Curriculum and adapted the entire Curriculum to fit residency training in primary care for European Union countries.  The new Primary Care Curriculum is currently available in English and Spanish and is being used extensively in Spain; adoption by other EU countries is anticipated.  


Translation: This work is a joint effort of the Chinese Pediatric Society, National Center for Children's Health (China), Bejing Children's Hospital, Capital Medical University.

IMPORTANT: The Curriculum is copyrighted by the Global Pediatric Education Consortium.  Anyone may download, use, disseminate, and copy the contents of the Curriculum.  However, the Curriculum may not be used for sale or profit without the written permission of GPEC.
IMPORTANT: The Curriculum is updated with clinical and professional content on an infrequent basis.  Please see the Update History for a complete record of updates that have been made to the Curriculum since is first publication.
Update History - to review all updates to the Curriculum 

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We Need Your Feedback
The GPEC values the input of the global pediatric community.  Please feel free to provide your feedback regarding the Curriculum or Guidelines.  The Board of Delegates and editorial committee will review each comment we receive for action.  The Global Pediatric Curriculum is a global community effort; your input is invaluable.  Please click the blue pushpin to the left to go to your Contact Us page.
Thank you. 
GPEC Executive Committee

We are indebted to the following organizations that provided curricular documents for review and inclusion into the Global Pediatric Curriculum documents. We have made every attempt to synthesize material into the format used by GPEC and not use them verbatim from original source documents.

  • Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education
  • American Board of Pediatrics
  • Arab Board of Health Specializations
  • Egyptian Pediatric Association
  • European Academy of Paediatrics
  • Israeli Medical Association
  • National Board of Examinations (India)
  • Royal Australasian College of Physicians
  • Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
  • Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
  • West African College of Physicians