Global Pediatric Education Consortium

Training and Sustaining a Global Pediatric Workforce

Work-based Resources for Post-graduate Training
For a basic description of each RCPCH assessment tool click here.
Name of Assessment Tool




Direct Observation of Procedural Skills DOPS DOPS-I
Case Based Discussion CBD CBD-I
Mini Clinical Encounter Evaluation1 mini-CEX CEX-I
Multi-Source Feedback from Peers (example only) MSF MSF-I
Multi-Source Feedback from Patients/Caregivers CCF CCF-I
Sheffield Assessment Instrument for Letters SAIL SAIL-I
Paediatric Consultation Assessment Tool PCAT PCAT-I
1 New: 2014 research conducted on the RCPCH mini-CEX (see Medical Teacher, 36: 155-163)

The assessment resources listed on this page are used with permission from the RCPCH. Use of these tools must include a citation that they are used with permission from the RCPCH via the Global Pediatric Education Consortium Global Assessment Toolbox.