Global Pediatric Education Consortium

Training and Sustaining a Global Pediatric Workforce

James A. Stockman III
Medical Education Investigator Grant

Research in Medical Education is an integral part of the mission of GPEC to be used as an instrument to stimulate and maintain continued improvements in pediatric training. To this end, GPEC will be sponsoring financed educational research grants in the amount of $5,000 for young and senior investigators during the 2014 calendar year.  Click here for details on application/submission.

Research should be focused on post-graduate training and education.  For more information about the 2014 grants please contact us at

James A. Stockman III
In honor of Dr. James Stockman, whose vision it was to convene the 1st Global Summit, the medical educators award has been re-named to the James A. Stockman III Medical Education Investigator Grant to express the Board of Delegates gratitude to his exceptional contributions to the global pediatric community through the work of GPEC.