Global Pediatric Education Consortium

Training and Sustaining a Global Pediatric Workforce

Early discussions of the Global Pediatric Education Consortium led to a strong and binding conviction amongst our group that gave birth to a bold Vision and Mission, which has as its ultimate goal to improve the quality of life for the world's children.


Our Vision
To improve the health outcomes of newborns, infants, children, adolescents and young adults worldwide by enhancing the education and training of pediatricians and other physicians caring for children.

Our Mission

As a non-profit organization, we will make available educational expertise and material resources to the global community, with special attention to less resourced settings, including:

A standard post-graduate pediatric curriculum that harmonizes best practices into a globally relevant, yet locally flexible format;

Quality assessment tools;

Standards and guidelines for post-graduate residency training program accreditation;

Guidelines for developing physician certification programs;

Guidelines for developing continuing professional development programs.

We will work to improve local and national healthcare systems by helping to create a sustainable children’s healthcare environment through the augmentation of a quality local/national pediatric physician workforce; and


We will work collaboratively with other international healthcare-related organizations to further the vision of improving children’s health.


Approved 12 May 2011